A personal issue that I want to try and change is the way I react to a situation especially when I’m with my mother. My mother and I always clash and it is because of my reaction and attitude towards anything, I react in a defensive way even if someone is trying to compliment me because I feel like they are mocking me. I feel like the world is against me and that’s is why I react the way I react, which is why I want to change my mentality in order to stop clashing with my mother. I hate fighting especially with the women who gave me life, and it’s not like when we fight it is about something big or important it is usually just nonsense that I made into a bigger problem than it was supposed to be. I create a huge useless fight that makes us stop taking for day’s even weeks, I hate acting that way but I can’t stop it, it is like I was raised thinking the world is against you and everyone just want to hurt you, well I have to open my eyes and realize it is not evil and it is not trying to hurt me I need to realize that is me who is doing the hurting and, that I have to be the one that changes in order to make my life better by not thinking the world is against me and that everything is done with a bad intention. In reality it is me who is cynical and who has to be more trustful of the human race, I am after all a human and I don’t wish for the worst to happen to people I wish them the best and that is how everyone is and should be. I will change my way of thinking in order to save my relationship with my mother, and the first step is admitting my problem.
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