Saturday, December 3, 2011

Journal Response 18

18. If you could choose two things to change about our high school campus, what would they be and why? 

If I could change two things about my high school campus it would be the principal and the assistant principal because they treat the student, who are almost adults, like children and they are not even doing their job, because if they did do it they would be working too hard trying to solve every student problem, not home problem and not even social problems, but problems about students classes or education. You see one day my classes where changed, and I was furious because they rearranged my schedule wrong and they gave me a class that didn't even have a teacher but a substitute, knowing that the assistant principal would not listen to me alone I called my mother. She came and I explained my problem to her, she asked to speak to the assistant principal. After the assistant Principal hear us he just said that it might be impossible to fix it and that if he did fix it there would be another students enraged mother berating him and ordering him to handle her sons/daughters classes, showing that he did not care about my education and did not want to fix the problem because it would make more work for him. Amazed that even in front of my mother he showed his true colors she warned him to take it to the district if my classes would be fixed. Even though he changed my classes I know he only did it because of my mother’s warning not because he was concerned with y education and for that matter for my future, a stranger that I met at a mall was more concerned for my well-being than the very person that was supposed to always be there for a student. Then there is the incident the one the principal made worse my minimizing the significance of the problem, in order to keep the students in a bubble, a bubble that has been broken since high school began for them, parents were enraged and the media once again came over, vilifying and degrading the school and the students. Also ever since “the office” stared to do tardy sweeps, picking up students who get locked out of the call room because the principal order to teachers to do so for being late, students stared losing more class time because they make a student who was five minutes late thirty minutes late, which is idiotic since they do not want students to loose class time. These people are the ones I would change in my high school in order to have a better system.

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