Sunday, December 4, 2011

Journal Response 10

10. What is the best advice you've ever received? Explain. 

The best advice that I have received is to stay in school and not let any guy distract me from my studies. It is the best advice because the person who told me this cares for me and doesn’t want to see me pregnant and struggling in the future. The person who told e me this does not want to see me like most of my female cousins who got pregnant and dropped out of school who are now suffering and struggling to get cash and maintain a child. Also there is an age for everything and right now it is not the best age to have a boyfriend even though it might seem like it were are still to naive and innocent o understand love and out emotions our hormones are acting up and they’re not letting us think straight. We are still too young and easily manipulated; we will fall for anything anyone tells us, we should wait until we are in college because we will have a better mentality and a better way of thinking. As teenagers we are still too immature and we want to rebel in order to find out who we really are and we feel like we need someone to help us figure ourselves out but we really don’t we don’t need anyone but ourselves.  Wouldn’t you say the same thing to someone you love, you would because you want to see that girl grow up and be someone better than you, you want to see the little girl become someone important  you want to see her become a powerful women who thanks to you advice as able to become what she is. That is how the person who gave met this advice feels about me, they don’t want to see me throw my life away and become a mom at seventeen they want me to be wealth and be able to support my child. They want to see me as powerful happy women.

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