Saturday, December 3, 2011

Journal Response 17

17. Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you. 

A national concern that is of importance to me is the eating disorder, because it affects everyone not just the civilians that have the disorder but the family, the friends, and the society as well. An eating disorder can be anything from anorexia and bulimia to obesity, and it knows no age limit it can choose to attack a fifteen year old to even a five year. The eating epidemic has become bigger with what the society views on beauty are that have been brought upon by men who work in the media and decide how to look and when to look it. Women in the United States of America are defined by time and size, is it not sad that we are a “free country”; however, we are more patriarchy than the countries we are fighting because women there are being “dominated”  by their men telling them the only space they can be in, well what situation would you rather live in: one were a man pours acid in your face for wanting to get an education, or one were oneself hurts and even kills oneself to look better for a guy who will only love you for your looks ad size. I would choose to have someone pour acid on my face than to hurt myself, I have to admit that I have called myself fat and I have tried to hurt myself; however, my family and friends told me I was beautiful and in all  honesty I love food too much, but do you see how close I was and there are smaller girls who do go through this that they starve them self’s to look like a Barbie doll or a supermodel fifteen and thirty years old starve themselves models starve them self’s almost every star starve themselves, and then there is obesity, this is caused not just by a parent’s neglect to take care of a child but the promotion of “good” healthy food these fast food chains assert they have; however, this is not true they are fool of grease and fat some don’t even have a clean environment, I know because my brother works in a fast food restaurant and tells me what goes on in the place. It is sad how much we hurt ourselves in this society and how we do not take care of ourselves and our love ones we need to put a stop to this and we need to change society.

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